ChungChouCity Super Top Bird Nest

Name: ChungChouCity Super Top Bird Nest

Origin: Sumatra, Indonesia

Specification: 250g or 500g

Brand introduction: ChungChouCity is the only wholesale and retailer of imported Cordyceps in the United States approved by the People's Republic of China in 2014. ChungChouCity selects top-quality white swallow cups from Sumatra after manual screening and dehairing, to bring you a beautiful, complete and convenient hairless white swallow cup, which maintains the ivory color and original shape of the white swallow cup itself. We strive to present you the most natural and beautiful state of Bai Yanzhan. Indonesian Bai Yanzhan is suitable for all kinds of people, bringing you health and beauty without negotiation! Pay attention to WeChat public account:

Bird's Nest Introduction: 

Bird's nest, as the name suggests, is the swallow's nest. It is not an ordinary swallow's nest, but a special kind of swallow, a swiftlet's nest.Swiftlet lays eggs in March and April every year. Before laying eggs, they fly on the sea surface and high altitude every day, sometimes as high as several thousand meters, through clouds and fog, sucking dew, and feeding on insects. After digestion, they burrow into steep, shady, high-altitude cliff cracks and deep caves, and spit to build nests.Before laying eggs, swallows decide where to build their nests, which are usually natural caves. When swallows decide where to build their nests, they use their saliva to make a primer on the inside of the cave for 45 days. Later, female and male swallows mate and lay eggs in the nest.After laying eggs, the swallows will hatch the eggs in the nest until the baby swallows are born. During this period, the little swallow will live in the bird's nest all the time, and its parents will also take care of its diet. When the little swallow grows down and learns to fly, it will leave the bird's nest and live independently.Before collection, the staff will use tools to check whether there are eggs and small swallows in the bird's nest, so as to avoid accidental injury to small lives. After confirming that there is no abnormality, the staff will remove the bird's nest attached to the wall of the cave.The staff collects the collected bird's nest, and processes such as cleaning, hair removal, and drying to make bird's nest products.In the history of China, there is a recorded history of eating bird's nest, which can be traced back to Zheng He, a navigator of the Ming Dynasty. From the Ming Dynasty, bird's nest became the royal meal. According to the biography, Chiang Kai-shek's wife, Soong Meiling, died at the age of 106. She eats a small bowl of rock sugar bird's nest every day, which may be the secret to her longevity. Bird's nest, as a good nourishing product, can stand the test of reason.


Bird's Nest Efficacy: Chinese medicine believes that bird's nest nourishes yin, nourishes the lungs, and nourishes without dryness; nourishes the skin and makes the skin smooth, elastic and bright; nourishes qi and invigorates the blood circulation, and increases the digestion of the stomach and intestinal absorption. In addition, bird's nest can also regulate lung yin deficiency, cough, night sweats, hemoptysis and other symptoms; regulate stomach qi deficiency, stomach yin deficiency caused by nausea, retching and other symptoms; regulate qi deficiency, sweating, and excessive urination. Bird's nest is a natural nourishing food that can be eaten by men, women and children of all ages.

The origin of Indonesia's white swallow is from Sumatra Island, Indonesia. As we all know, Sumatra Island is a pure land. She has a pure climate and fresh air. It is a pollution-free treasure land. Because of its environmental advantages, the Bai Yanzhan produced is also unmatched by other origins. The bird's nest here has the reputation of "one side of water and soil, one side of swallow, one mouth of bird's nest and one mouth of gold".


Bird's Nest Type: 

There are many types of bird's nest, which can be classified according to shape, fineness and origin. Subdivided by shape, it can be divided into swallow cups, triangular swallow cups, swallow strips, swallow silk, etc.; according to fineness, it can be divided into blood swallows, golden swiftlets, white swallows, etc. There are many origins of bird's nest, mainly in Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia and other places in Southeast Asia.


Soaking method: Bird's nest needs to be soaked thoroughly before cooking. Depending on the type of bird's nest, the soaking method is also different.

*Taiyue Cave Swallow, Indonesian Golden Swiftlet, Indonesian White Swallow: Soak in water for 3 hours.

*Thai blood swallow, Indonesian blood swallow, Indonesian cave swallow: soak in hot water of 80 degrees Celsius (176 degrees Fahrenheit) and bake overnight (1-2 times).

*Malaysian Cave Swallow: Soak in hot water of 80 degrees Celsius (176 degrees Fahrenheit) for 4-5 hours.


Simmering time: Depending on the type of bird's nest and the type of stewing pot, the required stewing time will also vary.

*Taiyue Cave Swallow, Indonesian Golden Swiftlet, Indonesian White Swallow: 35 minutes in the ordinary stewing pot, and 5 minutes after the water is boiled in the electronic stewing pot.

*Thai Blood Swallow, Indonesian Blood Swallow, Indonesian Cave Swallow: ordinary stew for 2 hours, and electronic stew pot for 30 minutes after the water boils.

*Malaysian Dong Yan: 46-60 minutes for ordinary stew, and 20 minutes for electric stew after the water boils.



【Braised Bird's Nest with Green Coconut】

Material: 1 green coconut, 2 bird's nests, a little rock sugar


1. Soak the bird's nest first, clean it and set aside;

2. Open the lid of the green coconut, pour out all the water, reserve half of the coconut water for use, and then rinse the inside of the green coconut with clean water;

3. Pour the coconut green water back into the coconut green and simmer for 45 minutes;

4. Add the soaked bird's nest with a proper amount of water and cook it in a clay pot for 3 minutes to make bird's nest soup;

5. Put the cooked bird's nest and an appropriate amount of rock sugar into the stewed green coconut and simmer for 15 minutes, then it is ready to eat.

Matters needing attention: The bird's nest must be cooked before it can be stewed in the coconut green. It cannot be stewed with the coconut green at the beginning, because the coconut green is alkaline, and stewing together will make the bird's nest hard, unable to develop, and has no bulky feeling. Bad taste.

Mechanism: Bird's nest is sweet, neutral in nature, clears heat from deficiency, cures deficiency, nourishes the face and moistens dryness, enhances gastrointestinal absorption, and improves the body's resistance; coconut is sweet, warm in nature, non-toxic, has the functions of quenching thirst, nourishing the spleen and stomach, and promoting body fluid and water. effect.


【Papaya Rock Sugar Stewed Bird's Nest】

Material: 1 papaya, appropriate amount of bird's nest, appropriate amount of rock sugar


1. Wash the papaya skin, cut it horizontally with a knife, remove the core to make a papaya cup, set aside.

2. Soak the bird's nest in clean water, pour out the soaked water after about 30 minutes, add water again to soak the bird's nest for two and a half hours, then take out the bird's nest for cleaning, remove impurities and set aside.

3. Boil rock sugar with water until completely dissolved, set aside.

4. Put the bird's nest into the casserole and cook for 3 minutes; simmer the papaya alone for half an hour, then add the bird's nest to the papaya and simmer for 10 minutes. The rock sugar water can be added or not according to personal preference.

Mechanism: Bird's nest is sweet, neutral in nature, clears heat from deficiency, cures deficiency, nourishes the face and moistens dryness, enhances gastrointestinal absorption, and improves the body's resistance; papaya strengthens the spleen and eliminates food, moistens the lungs, and supplements nutrition.